- Breaking the Glass Ceiling, The Brief, a publication of the American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (Fall 2005)
- Co-author with Natalie Pierce: Not at Face Value—State Supreme Court Says Employee’s Failure to Report Harassment Doesn’t Insulate Employer But May Limit Damages, The Recorder (December 17, 2003)
- Co-author with Gowon Song: Before It Starts—Preventing Sexual Harassment Achieves More Than Paying Damages, the San Francisco and Los Angeles Daily Journal (March 25, 2003)
- Work it Out? Enforceability of Arbitration Provisions in Employment Agreements Under Federal Law, The Federal Lawyer (February 2000)
- Sexual Harassment Has Its Days in Court, co-authored with Alison Berry-Wilkinson, Employment Law Magazine of The Recorder (September 1998)
- Trying to Have it Both Ways—An Employee’s Application for Total Disability Benefits and the Doctrine of Judicial Estoppel, For The Defense, Defense Research Institute (June 1998)
- Dealing with Socialized Gender-Based Behavior in Negotiations, For The Defense, Defense Research Institute (July 1996)
- Seven Surefire Ways to Develop a Client Base, American Bar Association, Law Practice Management (September 1995)
- Combating Sex-Based Stereotypes in Negotiations, The Daily Journal (March 1995); and in The San Francisco Attorney (June 1995)
- The Basics of Rainmaking in the 90’s, The Connecticut Law Tribune (January 1995)
- Precipitating Profit, The Recorder (May 1995)
- The Benefit of Being Without Control, The Recorder (February 1994)
- Developing a Client Base; Surviving in the 90’s, California Litigation Journal (Fall 1994 Ed.)
- Women and Rainmaking: A Partner’s View, The American Lawyer Management Service, Update 10.72 (1992)
- Marital Property Law in England and California: A Comparative Study and Critique, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Fall 1980)